Wednesday, July 15, 2009

One of those days...

Don't know what feeling down...maybe it is the haze...maybe not. Anyway the weather has not been that great for the past few days..and I myself have been travelling up and down...To be frank I am actually very very tired...exhausted....burnt down....

Should I take a break? Yes? No? CONFUSED...

My daughters need me and I need to be there for all of them. My parents need my loving care..., my brothers and sister need me to complete the I need myself...

Subahanallah, apa yang I merapu ni...Ya Allah berikan daku kekuatan untuk menghadapi dugaan mu. Tetapkan daku di jalan Mu Ya Robb. Muga kami dihimpunkan bersama-sama saf Rasullulah s.a.w. Amin...

Masa jaga Arwah dulu..tak pernah rasa penat atau letih pun. Masih dapat mama rasakan memeluk Hafiz....Damailah kau di sana, anaku....

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